2013年初夏,得悉藝術組織「空城計劃」計劃在受新界東北發展計劃影響的坪洋村和村民合辦一個在地藝術節,用藝術引領公眾走入這個接近香港邊境的村落,引發一些新的討論和對話。藝術節名為「坪輋.村校.展演」,以村內一所荒廢數年、但滿載幾代村民記憶的村校為場地。這所坪洋公立學校,由禮堂、課室、籃球場、足球場、涼亭等元素組成,建築物散佈在一片小斜坡上,空間經驗非常豐富。除了建築物外,我對校園荒廢以後,讓植物得以茂盛生長,甚至將課室與足球場之間的一段路完全淹沒,化成美麗的小樹林,感受尤深。 「雲山蒼蒼,碧樹茫茫。田疇舒綠,稻麥飄香⋯⋯」 香港校歌之中,歌詞多是歌頌創校精神或鼓勵同學團結努力向上,也許沒有比坪洋公立學校校歌更「在地」、更老實的了。村校之所以為村校,完全是因為村的存在,所以村校的生命根本源自村的環境。 除了由當年校長和學生一手一腳建設的校舍,連繫幾代人的,就是口耳相傳的校歌。和村民接觸期間,不時聽到他們閒來仍然會哼唱校歌開頭的幾句,荒腔走板卻又如此親切。如今學校人去樓空,逐漸被大自然吞沒,這些取自校歌的字,被掛在校園各處,引領遊人穿越小樹林,並讓描述校園環境的字詞回歸到校園之中,相互對照。終有一天,這些字也將如同校舍建築,供植物攀附生長。 "Under the blue sky lie the verdant mountains; boundless are the stretches of lush woods. Fields are green and the wind carries the sweet aroma of rice..." Most local school songs are praises of 'school spirit' or attempts to motivate students to work hard and become useful, responsible people. Perhaps no other school song is as ‘site-specific’ as that of Ping Yeung Public School. Apart from the school campus, a school song is the one thing to bond generations of student. Now that the school is abandoned, the campus is gradually taken over by nature. These characters taken from the school song will be hung at different locations of the campus. They are words which describe the school environment, and now they are returned to the site. Someday these will be covered by plants like how they climb onto the walls of the school buildings. |