香港的微型「口袋公園」,奇形怪狀,與其說是為了在城市中提供休憩空間,不如說是因為要想辦法填滿樓宇之間尷尬的空隙,而公園就是解決辦法。 這些位置隱蔽的公園,似乎有一種奇特的美學,沒有甚麼設計主義,從實用出發,卻又勉強用各種裝飾和奇怪的形態來嘗試令空間變得有趣。 The pocket parks look more like practical ways to fill up the awkward gaps between building rather than facilities to provide breathing space for people in the city. These hard-to-find parks embody a certain kind of aesthetics. They were not born of any -isms or great ideas. Although they were only designed to fulfill some basic functions, one could see that the designer did make an attempt to make them look interesting with all kinds of decorations and strange shapes. |