在新界東北新發展區規劃及工程研究中,政府原擬在坪輋發展特殊工業及低密度住宅。範圍包括多個民居、尚在運作的工場和農地,還有眼前這片曾經有人耕作、有生產力、但早已被發展商買起的荒田。2013年,政府宣布將坪輋剔出東北發展區,留待日後檢討發展策略,於是這區得以在推土機來臨前暫時喘息,但也令人驚覺,鄉土在發展巨輪之前,可以如此脆弱。 我以建築地盤和農田都常用的尼龍網,在村屋和村徑旁,勾出一座工業大廈至少需要的佔地面積。一塊40米×70米的地,是甚麼? According to the Planning and Development Study on North East New Territories (NENT Study), Ping Che was originally planned for lower density residential and special industrial developments. The area covered a number of villages, working industrial sites and farmlands, as well as this piece of abandoned field which was once fertile but now bought up by a developer. In 2013, the Government announced that Ping Che was to be excluded from the North East New Territories Development Areas and subject to re-planning. Although the area is spared for the time being, it is nonetheless hard to ignore how fragile and vulnerable the rural land and community can be. I have marked the minimum footprint required by an industrial building using nylon nets, a material used both in construction sites and farmlands, right next to some village houses and a footpath. A piece of land with an area of 40m × 70m – what can it be?