A Possible Footprint
Mixed media installation, dimensions variable
The 2nd Emptyscape Art Festival: Beyond the Village School
Ping Che, Hong Kong
February 2016



According to the Planning and Development Study on North East New Territories (NENT Study), Ping Che was originally planned for lower density residential and special industrial developments. The area covered a number of villages, working industrial sites and farmlands, as well as this piece of abandoned field which was once fertile but now bought up by a developer. In 2013, the Government announced that Ping Che was to be excluded from the North East New Territories Development Areas and subject to re-planning. Although the area is spared for the time being, it is nonetheless hard to ignore how fragile and vulnerable the rural land and community can be.

I have marked the minimum footprint required by an industrial building using nylon nets, a material used both in construction sites and farmlands, right next to some village houses and a footpath. A piece of land with an area of 40m × 70m – what can it be?